Writing Prompt, Day 8: Animals

Choose an animal. Write about it!


(Note: I am a day behind. I didn’t really want to write about this and I had some things going wrong with my MBA class. I have dealt with those issues now, but I will not get caught up tonight.)


Gorilla. I’m not sure why I chose a gorilla. Maybe its the jet black hair and the silver on the back of the alpha-male. Maybe its the strength and raw power they posses. It could even be the eerie resemblance to some humans. Regardless, that’s what I will  take a brief moment to write about.

Gorillas are incredibly strong and it is impressive that they are this way while maintaining a mostly herbivorous diet. While a few may munch on bugs and such, for the most part they are plant eaters. Ranking of the average gorilla vs a trained human fighter is widely disputed, but it falls around 10 times as strong. Although some estimate it to be much closer to 20 times as strong. Allegedly (never been proven that I could find) they could deadlift over 1800lbs (nearly double the strongest human deadlifters.)

This strength is only rivaled by the gorilla’s intelligence. While many believe that animals are so drastically below a humans intelligence, a gorilla is much smarter than you might think. Humans brains weigh roughly 1250g while the next closest primate is the gorilla weighing in at 500g. They adapt to their surroundings, use tools, and have detailed group/individual communication. They are truly brilliant animals.

I don’t know what made me choose the gorilla, but I must say that it is one impressive creature. Its often calm, reserved, or carefree attitude may shield us from the incredible power just beneath the surface. The intelligence coupled with their intense strength is something to be appreciated and respected. Think twice before you pick a fight with one of these guys and watch out for the ones with the silver backs.


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