Writing Prompt, Day 2: The Vessel

Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.


The engine roars to life shattering the otherwise calm desert ambience. It sounds like thunder, but more metallic. It isn’t like anything I’ve seen before. There are no brands, marks, or insignias. No familiar designs. Even the shape of the hood to the curves of the windshield look too futuristic to be real. Still, its form and sound make it clear that it is a car by definition. There are four tires, although they have unique black steel wheels. It clearly has an engine and a muffler that need not be seen to know that they are there.

The sharp angles in the body accentuating such a flattened out vehicle make it obvious that this thing was designed with speed in mind. The exterior is so dark. This shade of black is so deceptive tricks the mind into thinking perhaps this is a car shaped hole in this air. A gateway to another world. Quickly the brain recognizes this is impossible, but for a moment it’s like you are staring into a black hole. It pulls you in.

Inside, the controls are familiar enough, but redesigned in such a commonsense way. Sitting inside feels as if this is how it was always meant to be. The dark leather seats fully support the driver as they grip a perfectly placed steering wheel. The vibrations from the engine are drastically quieter, but you have still feel just enough from the wheel to know that you are in control of something truly powerful…or are you?

The vehicle flies down the narrow highway. The speed is incredible, but it’s the control around the turns and the smoothness of the ride that really envelopes you. The car and its driver barrel down the road speeding further and further away. Finally, they are just a speck on the horizon as the sun sets in their path. They are gone now, and they have taken me with them. Perhaps if you listen closely you can still hear the engine roaring in the distance. Can you tell the sound is louder now? Perhaps the ambience has faded and the car in view again. Maybe the dark exterior has sucked you in, too.

Now perhaps the driver could actually be you.


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