Writing Prompt, Day 1: The Unrequited Love Poem

How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?


Here I am again tonight, thinking nothing will be alright,

I poured out my heart, but perhaps you missed that part,

It seems like all I do, is nothing but a game to you,

I hate to feel like I’m alone, but love from you is yet to be shown.


Give and give and never take, I never consider what’s at stake,

I wish I knew what mistakes I made, I only feel like I’ve been played,

The part of the fool, who loved another who treated him cruel,

Will you ever share this attraction, or am I just another distraction?


Now that I laid things bare for you, now that you see my love is true,

Will you respond to my desires, do you have what that requires,

If this is all to much to ask, and if you aren’t up to the task,

Then I will sadly juxtapose, see I received thorns in spite of the rose.


* I got this one in before going to sleep, but it didn’t carry over into the early hours of the next day. Success for me isn’t always measured too precisely. Sometimes just completing something at all is anĀ achievementĀ and today that was the case.


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