Writing Prompt, Day 0: Outside the Window

What’s the weather like outside your window?


The weather outside my window tonight is calm and warm. It is cooler and much less humid than it has been. The skies are partly cloudy, but not enough to block out the moon. The moon has been beautiful lately and lights up our neighborhood. It is quiet outside except for the occasional light breeze, cricket chirp, frog croak, or insect buzzing.

Earlier it was warmer and very bright, but the humidity was still low. The breeze came slightly more frequently as well, making it even more pleasant. I could have soaked in the sunlight and tranquility the entire day. I hope that tomorrow will be equally comfortable and enjoyable. This has been a very unusually mild and sunny day for August in Alabama.


* This is the first in a series of brief writing assignments on various random topics. My goals is to do one of these a day for a few weeks.


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