Recursive JavaScript: Fibonacci

I have been struggling through the idea of recursion this week, particularly when it comes to the code for the Fibonacci sequence. I’m not sure why this baffled me (the iterative version took me a minute to grasp, but nothing like this), but it really had me confused last night. After a few articles last night, writing things out on a piece of paper, and one phenomenal YouTube video…I GOT IT! I want to share some info about it with you as well.

Recursive Fibonacci
Working out the Fibonacci function via recursion by hand.

What is Recursion

If you aren’t familiar with recursion, it is essentially a using a function to call on itself a necessary number of times in an effort to solve a problem. Wikipedia defines it as such:

Recursion in computer science is a method where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem (as opposed to iteration).[1] The approach can be applied to many types of problems, and recursion is one of the central ideas of computer science.[2]

(Here is that article: Recursion (computer science).) It is a very useful skill, although it really isn’t necessary to work our the Fibonacci sequence. For more information on how this can be used to find a number in the Fibonacci sequence, as well as the resources I used to grasp it, keep reading. Let’s dig in!

The Resources I Used

Here are some links to help you if you are also struggling with this topic.

That video (and writing it out myself on paper) is what really made it click for me.


Nothing beats the satisfaction of finally solving a problem and understanding the solution. I’m sharing my code below, but I encourage you to try and work it out on your own first. Then, check against someone else’s code. Good luck!

My Code

function fib(n) {

    if (n === 1) {

    return 0;


    if (n === 2) {

    return 1;


    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)





…and here is a link to the Gist on GitHub: RecursiveFibonacci.html. Enjoy!



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